more ranting about men and pool
People think I overreacted to that guy making fun of my billiards skills. But this morning on the train, instead of concentrating on the admittedly useless essays in the back of "White Noise: Critical Edition" I eavesdropped the whole way on these two guys talking, mostly about the new French fiancee one of them has. Toward the end the subject turned to pool...
Guy 1: "So anyway you'll have to meet her...she likes to shoot pool, which is cool."
Guy 2: (excited) "Wow, that's great."
Guy 1: "Yeah I mean, but she's so bad at it, it's so cute."
Guy 2: "Well I mean at least she likes it, that's the important part...I've dated so many girls who won't go near a pool table."
Guy 1: "Yeah, she likes it, I try to teach her stuff, she tries really hard. But like you don't want a girl who's like really good, who makes all the shots..."
Guy 2: "But that can be hot..."
Guy 1: "Well yeah, as long as she still acts like a girl about it, not like a guy. One time I was playing and there was this girl who was way better than everyone else in the room, like insanely good, but she was like so pompous about it, you know? She was making all the shots. So I made fun of her, I was like 'oh is this your first day playing pool? it can be tough to learn on your first day' and all."
Guy 2: "How did she take that?"
Guy 1: "Oh she was good, she got it, she laughed about it."
Well what choice did she have? I'm sorry but it's still just not funny. Ask yourself why you feel you need to "take her down a peg." And then tell me, because I don't understand anymore. And then stop doing it, because it sucks.
And then I came out of the subway and saw a fat weird crotchety old man wearing a knit cap which said DIG IT DIG IT DIG IT all around it, and felt better.