hobo party now improved
I finally bought myself a Hobo Party Shirt and I see now that I did a shoddy job in the coloring in. I have painstakingly improved it, as shown here. I expect sales to skyrocket now.
On Broadway in the 20's you've doubtless noticed an intriguing sign for M. Gordon Novelties, Inc. above a shuttered storefront and thought, "My but those days are gone, Olde New York how she's passed away." But did you know, this intriguing business is still operating at a smaller premises at 52 W. 29th St. off 6th Avenue? The awning reads "Paramount," but when the phone rings you get the answer "Gordon." I go here now for all my party decorations. Did you need miniature plastic baby strollers? Five choices of paper stork? Articulated skeleton wall hanging? Will that be glowing or matte? A horse mask, you say? And temptingly, the "5-way mustache" that clips to your septum (no adhesive needed!) It promises to "instantly transform your appearance. Makes everyone look more distinguished." There is even a rudimentary magician supplies section along the lines of the squirting corsage gag. The problem for those of you who don't work in the garment district is the hours they keep, only M-F 9-5.
Recently I went to Tonic to see a theremin player I'd heard about, Pamelia Kurstin. Some call her "the greatest in the world." As a non-practitioner of the theremin, I don't know its challenges so it's hard to know who's the best. I do gather by watching that it's extremely difficult to get right. On the guitar, you have strings you hit for certain notes, along with frets that place you quite accurately on pitch within the range of tones that string will allow. On the violin, however, there are no frets, which is why beginners playing violin can sound so awful. You sort of have to learn where the imaginary frets would be in order to hit the notes that our western-music-trained ears will accept. Now on the theremin, there are no frets, there is no fretboard, and there are not even any strings. This means that the x, y, z and all other possible axes are wide open to you as an artist, and wide open for making mistakes and unpleasant sounds. Have you seen the theremin played? Are you fortunate enough to have seen the documentary "Theremin"? I recommend it. You're most likely to have heard the theremin in the song "Good Vibrations/The Sunkist Commercial." It also played a big role in 50's and 60's science fiction soundtracks, which makes most people instinctively creeped out when they hear the instrument. That's too bad, because it has a lot of capabilities and possibilities.
More sightings to report: if this counts, I saw Tim Curry and David Hyde Pierce come out of the stage door at Spamalot, after waiting by the stage door after seeing Spamalot.
This week suddenly all this responsibility is falling to me and it's exciting but tiring. Someone in my writing class said she thought we should all get together for drinks, and I said "I second the motion!" so now it's somehow to me to choose the date and venue for a bunch of 23 year old girls who live in the suburbs with their parents. On Friday, I find myself babysitting for a two year old, which isn't the easiest since I don't have much babysitting background. On Saturday there's an alumni chapter trip to go hiking near Delaware Water Gap and they needed a driver, so I said "well, pick me last, I'm not the best driver and I'm not a morning person!" but I'm really the only volunteer so there I am, and somehow now I've gotten it so that I'm going to find the van, reserve it, pick it up, decide where to pick the hikers up, drive them, then figure out how much money they owe me...lots of work. I'll even have to stay sober at the post-hike barbecue! Then Sunday I'm going to Gowanus Open Studios with someone, he's like Oh do you want to have lunch or dinner? Where? Where should we meet? What time? Then the freelancer here at work said "what do I do when the coffeemaker's broken and I can't get hot water?" Correct Answer: Use the microwave. My Answer:" Gah! That's never happened before! How should I know!" I had exceeded my responsibility limit.