Thursday, October 06, 2005

embroidery trend watch

I was going sitting around at home doing needlepoint, and wondered whether buying a floss color organizer would be worth it, so I turned to my Herrschner’s catalog to see what they were about. It seems like floss organizers are not terribly convenient, but at length I found this totally insane product, the day-of-the-week “Tropical Baby” tea towel set kit. I’m not sure what’s more antiquated, the art or the idea that you would change your tea towel every day of the week. How on earth does something like this still exist? Somewhere (in the South Pacific maybe?) these are still being printed in a factory. This company, Aunt Martha's, makes all kinds of iron-on designs that you can color with fabric paint or stitch on with thread. I can envision creating a giant Darger-esque mural combining many of the designs in a huge creepy retro collage. Holy crow.


At 11:15 AM, October 08, 2005, Blogger Clockwatcher said...

Oh too funny. I just bought the cowboy-dog iron on tea towel transfers to make for my sister-in-law for Christmas! Come on, they're dogs dressed as sassy cowboys! What's not to love?


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