Wednesday, July 13, 2005

"hard news"

Not like I consider myself a news source or anything, but one thing I found really interesting in the news about the London bombing investigations is that they found the suspects after one of their moms called the police to report him missing. "He went down to London with three of his mates, and I 'aven't 'eard from him," she reported. (See AP story.) They looked for someone matching his description among the dead and found he had died in the bus explosion and had been very close to the bomb itself. Then they looked at surveillance from King's Cross station, since he had come from Leeds via Luton and I guess that's where you end up(?) And found him and three other dudes on a surveillance tape and they were seen going four different ways: north, south, east, and west, as it says in the terrorist's statement of responsibility. The guy going south didn't get very far, as you see from the maps, maybe his train was stalled. The guy going north had an even rougher time, since the subway line was out due to a train malfunction in the line. Perhaps frustrated that there was no train, he got on a bus that runs parallel to the tube route, but he seems to have gone in the wrong direction AND the bus was being rerouted that day. This was the kid who was only 18, whose mom reported him missing. Perhaps he'd hoped to get back on the Tube at some point and that's why he didn't detonate his bomb until nearly an hour after he was supposed to. At first people thought the bus bomb was calculated to cause the maximum damage because people would be crowding buses after the tube closure, but it sounds to me like it was just an accident of circumstance. Here are more new details.


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