Wednesday, February 02, 2005

lunch II

Today I ate lunch at the Greenmarket in Union Square. I took the express train one stop so I could go to Barnes and Noble. They didn't have the book I wanted, and there weren't really lunch items. I ate a dry flax-sunflower roll and then got a super protein odwalla to balance it off when I got back. Why don't they have more lunch items at the Greenmarket? I feel like they would sell well. Most of the other ones I've been to, in other cities, totally have food you can eat right away. Maybe it's part of the market bylaws that they can't. I did manage to get a plant to keep me company at my desk. This might turn into a boring feature for the blog, actually.


At 1:18 PM, February 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union square... OK not unions square... but on 5th ave near 20th? there is a place called 5th ave epicure and I ate there when I worked at Union square I have major deli paranoia and though there was one worker with pink eye... I still thought it was gourmet and safe enough to eat from. Also... what about whole foods deli... just like two stops on the A/C?

At 2:33 PM, February 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny you've taken to blogging about your lunch; apparently in livejournal land it is a faux pas to blog about such things. Someone posted a list of things that are bad form to blog about and one of them is what people had for lunch. That's when I decided to post about what I had for lunch. But I only did it a couple times.

I look forward to "LUNCH III."



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